Saya D.


Available Areas

Aichi (Living), Gifu, Nagoya, Shirakawago



Japanese (Native), English


Response Time

0 days on average


Availability Updated

1 day ago


About Tour Guide Saya D.

I am a mom of 10 months old son and wife of Indonesian.

I was born and raised in Nagoya.

My husband and I love to driving around so We know a lot of amazing activities, histories, food and more!

I will be very happy to share all of my knowledge and let you have an amazing experience on your trip.

What kind of person I am?

I'm easy going and happy person!!

If you have any concern about food, physical strength or strange request, Do not be hesitate to tell me!

Let's make your trip the best!

*Halal is available, you need time to pray? Let me know.