Kagoshima Highlights

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    Kagoshima Highlights Tours

    鹿兒島/鹿儿岛一天遊(櫻島活火山,仙巌園,購物)Kagoshima one day tour

    6 hours

    行程可以按照客人的需求,或實際天氣情況而適當調整。 鹿兒島市區(你的酒店附近)---櫻島渡輪碼頭---櫻島港碼頭----櫻島游客中心---櫻島Nagisa海濱熔岩公園---泡洗足浴溫泉---湯之平展望臺---世界遺產“仙巌園”--- 天文館通購物街---鹿兒島市(你的酒店附近) 如果遇上雨天, 可以更改到室內參觀鹿兒島水族館(IO world Kagoshima) 也可參觀歷史或美術館。或者增加在有上蓋的購物街中漫遊和購物。

    FROM$198/ per group
    Sini T.
    5 / 5
    (7 reviews)

    In search of the key to open Kagoshima's treasure chest!

    8 hours

    Kagoshima is blessed with many volcanoes, a mild climate and a lot of rain. People have survived on barren volcanic ash plateaus. Currently, the agricultural production is the highest in Japan and marine resources are also abundant. Relatively close ancestors started the industrial revolution along with the social revolution for modernization in Japan. Western countries hailed this as an oriental miracle. Please enjoy the trip to find many of Kagoshima's secret keys.

    FROM$310/ per group
    Moriaki A.
    4.4 / 5
    (5 reviews)


    7 hours

    Join me for an Existing Day tour in Kagoshima which played an important role in being the gateway to modern Japan. Let's view the most beautiful and interesting sites of the city, enjoy a short ferry cruise to the most active volcano now days in Japan - Mt. Sakurajima. lets learn about its wild surrounding geography and see how the local are living in his Shadow.

    FROM$345/ per group
    Yaron P.
    5 / 5
    (4 reviews)

    Kagoshima half day tour 鹿兒島半日遊(仙巌園遠眺櫻島火山、美食、天文館購物)

    4 hours 30 min

    行程可以按照客人的需求,或實際天氣情況而適當調整。 鹿兒島市區(酒店/碼頭附近)---世界遺產「仙巌園」--- Lunch鹿兒島美食---天文館通購物街---鹿兒島市(你的酒店附近) ( 形程可根據實際天氣情況,或客人的喜好靈活修改, 行程時間為參考, 超時將額外以每小時3500日圓收費) ・有300多年歷史的世界遺產「仙巌園」景色優美, 可以從這裡遠眺鹿兒島的櫻島火山. 它本身就充滿了打卡元素,以火山和錦江灣為借景,四季鳥語花香,曾是薩摩(鹿兒島舊稱)藩王的別墅,是遊客的必到的熱點. ・鹿兒島的黑豚(豬),黑毛和牛,黑薩摩地雞,海鮮以及豐富的季節蔬果等美食都不容錯過 ・天文館是南九州最大的購物區, 喜歡買東西的朋友可以一起去逛逛喔.

    FROM$164/ per group
    Sini T.
    5 / 5
    (7 reviews)

    Kagoshima Highlight tour (Senganen garden & Mt. Sakurajima)

    8 hours

    1.Senganen Japanese garden This place used be a second house of the local leaders’ family who governed Kagoshima about 700 years. It holds magnificent view of Kagoshima bay and surrounding nature. You can feel the life of lord at that time. 2.Mt. Sakurajima Mt. Sakurajima is an active volcano. You can feel the power of nature and unique aspect of existence of this volcano in Kagoshima.

    FROM$345/ per group
    Mikiko H.
    5 / 5
    (15 reviews)

    Chiran Highlights tour

    8 hours

    The first destination is Chiran Samurai Residences and gardens. Those gardens are nearly 270 years old and open to public now. After having lunch, you have lunch at a local restaurant,we go to Chiran Peace Museum featuring young pilots of Kamikaze Operation in WWⅡ. The last place to visit is a local green tea producer. Let's make your own green tea!

    FROM$345/ per group
    Mikiko H.
    5 / 5
    (15 reviews)

    Ibusuki Unique Experiences tour

    7 hours

    First destination is Natural Sand Steam Bath. After taking a very unique bath nowhere else you can experience, we go to Somen Nagashi fine noodle restaurant for lunch. This is also unique to Kagoshima. Then we go to Kamafuta shrine with a panoramic view.

    FROM$310/ per group
    Mikiko H.
    5 / 5
    (15 reviews)

    Kagoshima Satsuma Pottery and Whisky tour

    5 hours 30 min

    In this tour, you can enjoy both old and new culture of Kagoshima. First you visit kiln of Satsuma Pottery and see the beauty of the pottery and craftsmanship in tranquil atmosphere of Japanese garden. Then have lunch at a restaurant in the village of the pottery. Next destination is a distillery of genuine Japan whisky. After having a tour of factory, you have a chance to taste it at its bar.

    FROM$241/ per group
    Mikiko H.
    5 / 5
    (15 reviews)

    Whisky Distillery, Kanosuke and Satsuma Ware Pottary Kiln, Chin Ju Kan

    6 hours

    Kanosuke Distillery is a fouth generation shouchu distillery that built Kanosuke in order to further explore the potential of distilled spirits. As a long time distiller of shochu and a pionner in the field of aged shochu, it has developed a deep understanding of the delicate craft of distilling and is now trying its hand at single malt whisky. It aim to make mellow yet flavorful whisky from its distillery located along a 50 kilometer long white sand beach.

    FROM$0/ per group
    Hitomi A.
    5 / 5
    (5 reviews)