鹿兒島/鹿儿岛一天遊(櫻島活火山,仙巌園,購物)Kagoshima one day tour


Sini T.

5 / 5
(7 reviews)
Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English
6 hours
Private tour (only you and your group)
Up to 5 people


鹿兒島市區(你的酒店附近)---櫻島渡輪碼頭---櫻島港碼頭----櫻島游客中心---櫻島Nagisa海濱熔岩公園---泡洗足浴溫泉---湯之平展望臺---世界遺產“仙巌園”--- 天文館通購物街---鹿兒島市(你的酒店附近)

如果遇上雨天, 可以更改到室內參觀鹿兒島水族館(IO world Kagoshima) 也可參觀歷史或美術館。或者增加在有上蓋的購物街中漫遊和購物。

Meeting Point

鹿兒島市中心的酒店、JR中央站, 或郵輪碼頭

09:00 AM



11:30 AM



01:30 PM



Ending Point

鹿兒島市中心的酒店、天文館或中央站, 或郵輪碼頭

What to Expect

(1) 到櫻島火山,可以讓你近距離感受地球的躍動,活火山的氣勢,以及在火山山脚泡足浴溫泉!!還能夠親身感受與火山共存的6千多島民的勇氣,和生活智慧。

(2) 到仙巌園,能讓你感受日本明治維新的變革,以及日本庭院建築情調。多齣日本NHK歷史連續劇,“篤姫”,西鄉隆盛“等大河劇,都在此取景拍攝。鹿兒島的舊稱,薩摩(SATSUMA)的淵源都可以從這裏找到答案!!

(3) 最後一站天文館通購物街,可以滿足你的購物慾,這裏是南九州最大的商業街。大型免稅店,最新的流行時裝,新季藥妝,地道伴手禮等,應有盡有。

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Inclusions & Exclusions

What‘s included


What‘s not included

行程中客人和導游的交通費(一日PASS:1200日元/人),的士(客人如有需要)/ 仙巌園/尚古集成舘入場費(1000日圓)/ 客人和導游的午餐(1,000-)

Important Information

* 此行程需要徒步的時間較多,請穿著輕便舒適的衣服和鞋襪。

* 如出發當天遇上颱風,暴雨,大雪,或者火山噴發等突發氣候情況,而無法乘坐渡輪,登山時,可讓客人選擇等價的其他旅游路綫。

Cancellation Policy

  • Free cancellation - 8 days prior to meeting time
  • 50% Refund - 3 to 7 days prior to meeting time
  • No Refund - Within 2 day(s) prior to meeting time



Greg V.

5 / 5
May 9, 2024

Amazing day in Kagoshima

So far our best experience in Japan. Sini was amazing and it felt like spending the day with a good friend showing us her town. Our only regret is that we didn’t have enough time. Sini’s command of the English language is incredible considering she is self taught. You won’t regret spending the day with Sini

Sini T.

Thank you. I appreciate the comments from you! I'm also very happy to hear that you enjoy this peaceful and natural city. I feel so lucky to meet you, a sweet couple! I wish you a happy life and a happy family! Enjoy your cruise tours! Best Wishes form Kagoshima!


Brendan M.

5 / 5
May 3, 2024

Great tour of Chiran with Sini.

Thankyou for a great trip Sini. You made it very special.

Sini T.

Thank you for your message! I am so glad to hear that you liked the tour in Chiran and Ibusuki cities . Hope you enjoy your remaining holiday in Japan! Best wishes from kagoshima~ by Sini.


Margaret M.

5 / 5
Apr 23, 2024

Awesome day

Thank you Sini for making our day so awesome in Kagoshima. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves especially the lunch - we can't stop talking about how delicious it was. We highly recommend Sini

Sini T.

Thank you Margaret for your comment! Although the weather was not so fine yesterday and the volcano was so shy to show it's face... It's my pleasure to go with you, and heard that you like the restaurant and enjoy the lunch! And thank you for your lunch again! Best wishes for you and your family from Kagoshima.


Joseph S.

5 / 5
Apr 15, 2024

Visit to Kagoshima, Japan

Sini was an excellent guide, easy to understand and very friendly. We enjoyed our time with her and saw some very beautiful and educational sites. We highly recommend her.

Sini T.

Thank you for your message! Thanks for your kindness and understanding in a windy and rainy tour day! Hope you have a happy journey in Japan! Best wishes from Kagoshima!

$194/ per group

More tours by Sini T.

鹿兒島/鹿儿岛一天遊(櫻島活火山,仙巌園,購物)Kagoshima one day tour

6 hours

行程可以按照客人的需求,或實際天氣情況而適當調整。 鹿兒島市區(你的酒店附近)---櫻島渡輪碼頭---櫻島港碼頭----櫻島游客中心---櫻島Nagisa海濱熔岩公園---泡洗足浴溫泉---湯之平展望臺---世界遺產“仙巌園”--- 天文館通購物街---鹿兒島市(你的酒店附近) 如果遇上雨天, 可以更改到室內參觀鹿兒島水族館(IO world Kagoshima) 也可參觀歷史或美術館。或者增加在有上蓋的購物街中漫遊和購物。

FROM$194/ per group

Kagoshima half day tour 鹿兒島半日遊(仙巌園遠眺櫻島火山、美食、天文館購物)

4 hours 30 min

行程可以按照客人的需求,或實際天氣情況而適當調整。 鹿兒島市區(酒店/碼頭附近)---世界遺產「仙巌園」--- Lunch鹿兒島美食---天文館通購物街---鹿兒島市(你的酒店附近) ( 形程可根據實際天氣情況,或客人的喜好靈活修改, 行程時間為參考, 超時將額外以每小時3500日圓收費) ・有300多年歷史的世界遺產「仙巌園」景色優美, 可以從這裡遠眺鹿兒島的櫻島火山. 它本身就充滿了打卡元素,以火山和錦江灣為借景,四季鳥語花香,曾是薩摩(鹿兒島舊稱)藩王的別墅,是遊客的必到的熱點. ・鹿兒島的黑豚(豬),黑毛和牛,黑薩摩地雞,海鮮以及豐富的季節蔬果等美食都不容錯過 ・天文館是南九州最大的購物區, 喜歡買東西的朋友可以一起去逛逛喔.

FROM$160/ per group


9 hours

我將會到鹿兒島郵輪港接到你們之後,出發到平時很少人會帶你去的霧島藝術森林公園。在這裡,你將會沐浴在負離子的大自然中,欣賞設置在露天公園裡的包括草間彌生(Yayoi Kusama)等著名藝術家創作的多個大型藝術作品。然後參觀在2021年被指定為國寶的霧島神宮,再來一起品嘗鹿兒島當地的大眾美食。最後當然還不少得參觀只有在這裡獨特的地瓜蒸餾酒 (shochu/焼酎) 工廠。最後,我會安全地把你們送回郵輪港口, 結束一天8小時的鹿兒島難忘之旅。不要猶豫啦,快來看預約吧!

FROM$261/ per group

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鹿兒島/鹿儿岛一天遊(櫻島活火山,仙巌園,購物)Kagoshima one day tour

6 hours

行程可以按照客人的需求,或實際天氣情況而適當調整。 鹿兒島市區(你的酒店附近)---櫻島渡輪碼頭---櫻島港碼頭----櫻島游客中心---櫻島Nagisa海濱熔岩公園---泡洗足浴溫泉---湯之平展望臺---世界遺產“仙巌園”--- 天文館通購物街---鹿兒島市(你的酒店附近) 如果遇上雨天, 可以更改到室內參觀鹿兒島水族館(IO world Kagoshima) 也可參觀歷史或美術館。或者增加在有上蓋的購物街中漫遊和購物。

FROM$194/ per group
Sini T.
5 / 5
(7 reviews)

In search of the key to open Kagoshima's treasure chest!

8 hours

Kagoshima is blessed with many volcanoes, a mild climate and a lot of rain. People have survived on barren volcanic ash plateaus. Currently, the agricultural production is the highest in Japan and marine resources are also abundant. Relatively close ancestors started the industrial revolution along with the social revolution for modernization in Japan. Western countries hailed this as an oriental miracle. Please enjoy the trip to find many of Kagoshima's secret keys.

FROM$303/ per group
Moriaki A.
4.4 / 5
(5 reviews)


7 hours

Join me for an Existing Day tour in Kagoshima which played an important role in being the gateway to modern Japan. Let's view the most beautiful and interesting sites of the city, enjoy a short ferry cruise to the most active volcano now days in Japan - Mt. Sakurajima. lets learn about its wild surrounding geography and see how the local are living in his Shadow.

FROM$336/ per group
Yaron P.
5 / 5
(4 reviews)

Kagoshima half day tour 鹿兒島半日遊(仙巌園遠眺櫻島火山、美食、天文館購物)

4 hours 30 min

行程可以按照客人的需求,或實際天氣情況而適當調整。 鹿兒島市區(酒店/碼頭附近)---世界遺產「仙巌園」--- Lunch鹿兒島美食---天文館通購物街---鹿兒島市(你的酒店附近) ( 形程可根據實際天氣情況,或客人的喜好靈活修改, 行程時間為參考, 超時將額外以每小時3500日圓收費) ・有300多年歷史的世界遺產「仙巌園」景色優美, 可以從這裡遠眺鹿兒島的櫻島火山. 它本身就充滿了打卡元素,以火山和錦江灣為借景,四季鳥語花香,曾是薩摩(鹿兒島舊稱)藩王的別墅,是遊客的必到的熱點. ・鹿兒島的黑豚(豬),黑毛和牛,黑薩摩地雞,海鮮以及豐富的季節蔬果等美食都不容錯過 ・天文館是南九州最大的購物區, 喜歡買東西的朋友可以一起去逛逛喔.

FROM$160/ per group
Sini T.
5 / 5
(7 reviews)